Needs'n'chances: 2018


dilluns, 12 de febrer del 2018

2018. What about an organization or system footprint?

Every one life can leave a "personal footprint". And last days I've been thinking it shouldn't be just personal...  I remember a video by Otto Scharmer where he said that MIT would be the 6th or 10th country in the world on the gross domestic product ranking, I think. Or something like this. Anyway, the central idea was that there are some organizations which are innovator and which are based on awareness and other values, and they are having a huge impact on the world. Therefore, this impact can be a changemaker by itself. So, if we extend the personal footprint concept to organizations, I think we can talk about "System footprint".

Can you imagine the MIT footprint? and why is this so huge and in so many levels? because they are based on thinking, and on interactions.  The more interactions there are in a system, the more increasing impact it will have, and the more value it can offer, I think. 
It reminds me the wolves in this video. How wolves can change rivers.
The more interactions you have, the higher level in the (eco)system you are. That's why humans always see ourselves in the top: our interactions are much more bigger because we can communicate ourselves.

divendres, 26 de gener del 2018

2018. Our personal contribution, our personal footprint... how to emerge relevant legacy?

Will anybody remember relevant people for humanity in mid-term future? will anybody know who was important modern writers, or naturalists and communicators like Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente or Sebastiao Salgado? in Catalonia, will anybody remember Jordi Sargatal (JS)?

Is it fair that relevant changemakers are forgotten in the mid-term future? how could we emerge their footprint? even more: is it fair that we are worth or valued by our academic and professional cv, and our contacts, but not for our long-term results?

LinkedIn could have an extension or a part of our profile where we could add, if we liked, our PERSONAL FOOTPRINT. This would be our impact, our own rellevant contribution or legacy visualized as interactions and results (people or organizations where one can have impacted, projects and results...). So, people who have really changed things, like social enterpreneurs or innovators, could fill this extension and show their effort results, the long-term impact (not the short-time results)... So, we could value profiles not only by cv or personal contacts, but for one's achievements and impact. Meanwhile, organizations could add information related to that person impact: they could add a "like", or could add comments (eg. descriving results), etc. -it's in green color on the drawing I attach at this e-mail-. (We all know personal brand concept and also ecological or water footprint... Why not our personal footprint, understood in a positive way, as our legacy? this concept could also let us find rellevant people in modern history in the future...)

It could be a graphic similar to this other one:
